Wednesday, June 29, 2016

To maintain a healthy drink of water at the right time

Like a mechanic too busy, too busy person to take care of their own health tools with care.

All of us will actually get ourselves to our physical well-being work in the gym know how difficult; It will change our eating habits according to how difficult diet plan. But we can start something small something, SIMPLE-

Drink the water

All you have to do is drink water. It at the right time, the right amount, consistency, you can. simple.

Habitual throat water
There are great benefits of drinking water. So I recommend that you make a habit of. The highlight - but more importantly should - consistently one more of this. If you do once or twice a week, you will not get any benefits. You can do it every day. Drinking habits and ensure you're on your way to enjoying a long and healthy life.

Keep the water getjyoeun walk the doctor away.
Many people are unaware of the fact that the disease occurs much out of the window and drinking water. Consider the Japanese people. Water treatment for their outstanding wisdom was amazed health experts across the continent. A lot of Japanese descent who live more than one hundred years in fact, 50,000 centenarians living in Japan today. A huge number, you say? I agree to it, because they practice the habit of drinking two glasses of water after they wake up.

Maximize the impact on the human body to drink the water at the correct time
Never yet, brush your teeth. You need to 160ml of water before brushing your throat. That way, the water you drink is not fluorine pollution. (Toothpaste contains fluoride.)
Avoid brushing after following the ingestion of food or drink for 45-50 minutes.
Gradually eat breakfast.
After breakfast, I do not eat anything for the next two hours.
When is the best time to drink water, and why?
After waking up in the morning and two glasses of water (you can activate the internal organs)
A glass of water thirty minutes before meals (digestive aid)
Bath has a glass of water (you can prevent high blood pressure)
A glass of water before going to bed is (to help prevent stroke and heart attack)
You can jazz up your water mixed with fresh lemon. Drinking warm water with lemon squeezed to get a more enjoyable experience making body in the bed, you can wake up slowly. I recommend you use professional tips if half a lemon under 150 lbs. If you are a heavy 150 lbs, one whole lemon recommended. Health experts advise those who are good to drink at two or three in a fairly quick way to outsiders. After dropping the lemon water, it does not apply to any food about 30 minutes in order to maximize its benefits.

Benefits of lemon water habits
First, drink a glass of lemon water in the morning.

Helps your immune system: Vita. C is required in particular wound healing ascorbic acid with the lemon rich. Lemon water is also known to help break the mucus when you have a cold sore throat relax. Also, if you're sick of drinking H20 it is very important because it works overtime to fight off disease of the body's defenses. However, I must inform you consume a cold lemon juice to prevent the disease because it is not backed by studies. But here's the good news, I tried it and it works!

Like energy and alarm potassium elements of the lemon works to help the brain better care. This increases your alarm. According to Natural Health magazine, research scientists have declared that can improve the feel good hormones, just the smell of lemon and reduce stress levels. Drinking water studies show that dehydration can drive your energy consumption and sluggish feeling will help jedaeroyi area.

Body hydrated: If you are properly hydrated, the system does not hold the fat cells, you do not feel hungry. Therefore, it is essential for the health of the whole body to stay hydrated. To say that it is better to drink a glass of water to begin the day understatement. It is actually essential. Bonus lemon water will jazzes.

Skin rejuvenation: Lemon proved that VIT has loads of vitamin C. Science. Production of collagen in the skin, especially the C adjuvants defense for preventing the formation of wrinkles, and the main body, free radical damage. Adding water to the equation will help the system to perform the nutrients to the cells. That said, is staying hydrated is essential.

Sites can be helpful at a loss: In addition, it is because the lemon, pectin fiber content helps regulate your metabolism. This particular fiber also, when you feel full, so you can avoid to help suppress appetite and cravings. The lower the water glass also contribute to the overall impression. With natural ingredients, mix the lemon and water, you can start to work on health and eating habits to get better and ultimately noteuyi.

According to Dr. Alexander sensation toxin F. Beddoe, liver, because it improves its production of enzymes respond positively to fresh lemon juice than any other food source. This assists digestion and release toxins in order to improve the efficiency between the bile secretion. Lemon juice has diuretic properties. It is to give a urine your kidneys are motivated to help rescue the water and toxins. This will help the suffering people of urinary tract infections.

Digestive effects: your digestive organs, the liver can be stimulated by the sour taste of lemon. This can help to regulate your bowel movement and metabolism. It can also cause you to lose weight your body is likely to better nutrition and absorption.

Says many cows! However, I have to say - water is the best!

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