Saturday, July 9, 2016

4 things do not want to hear is your boss (and, what to say instead)

We are in spite of the fact that looking at the impressive recovery from the Great Recession, many companies, taking into account the bottom line of wracking low-income and nerve, remains in the end. Carefully to communicate with the upper part, to maintain a job, it is very important for those who want to advance up the promotion ladder. Business is always trying to attract top talent, but it is up to you to finally realize it. Here, 4 that your boss does not want to hear absolutely from you, and you need to say what you instead. I do not have enough time So common before the recession is officially launched, companies are downsizing integration, and I make the employee has left the take on more tasks. Our which do not even have enough time, and almost certainly contains your boss. The sound irritated and cranky instead, please try: "I'd love to take it. We sat down, I Is it possible to debate put the other tasks and their priorities have?" What is important here is, is that especially if you are already busy, do not want to just say so. You will be overwhelmed, would end overwork, it is not a pleasant or fair. But at the same time, you must appear pleased. Something else is, if you've added above this, they hint, from (should be) a dish to get in order to confirm that they are seeking to be something important business that we are going to have to fall by implying to the boss. Sometimes, to go the extra mile will count in the long term a lot of things. It otherwise, is the fault of all of someone This is, it is not my fault, is just as annoying and its cousin. To blame someone else is not the way adults to manage the situation. It is even if it is not your fault, and pointing to the finger, you will sound like a child that the dog was spoiled Let's eat the homework. Problem is, if really was because of you, just, you apologized to tell your boss what you're trying to do to make sure that it does not happen again, it will check that it does not happen again please. If it was actually because of the other people of all people, please try. "I understand your concern. I like this situation, as were positive for the company and agree that we did not play. I want to sit on both of you and I, in order to understand how to manage this better next time and was wrong better, go to anyone who has failed]. " I can not do that "I will not do can" that there is a possibility, which means there are two. At first, you are not in fact, is that the case, it is possible that there is a lot of business positive way to that of the phrase. Second, you are, in that case, is that you are not would be better to indicate the source of your objection from the beginning. When your boss is seeking you to draw the two red line in blue ink, for example - - If you really, you can not really, you can be is I'm sorry, "try, I have been a little confused you. You ... in asking me, "and will be restated their request. This is usually to clear any confusion, to get the respect, if not, it is the beginning of the dialogue in order to verify that it is indeed clearly reach. If it is to mean anything, do not try to then. "It is here many of the bottom of the possibility, I please refer to some of the challenges. Our mission statement is, because we are the customer satisfaction at all costs to prioritize, reduced service but might conflict with it, it says that seems to raise the price? " I am hungover Or "My spouse, a is so much worse" or "accounting of Jane, very average is", or, intimate details of the day of Friday night. Your boss is not your best friend, or they, in the absence of a building, if you are talking about those things outside of work. You need to be aware of every time you share your personal information in the configuration of the work. All kinds of discrimination, which is technically illegal, to prove the discrimination is much more difficult than it looks on paper, many of the employees, just to be sure, of their private and personal life we have chosen to maintain a strict separation between. I know your boss. Some of the manager is to understand, their employees to accept the fact that you have a life outside of work, and they when asked how you are doing, you actually mean it. For other people to obtain a just feedback, take a questionnaire from the employee, you are less open to these kinds of conversations. If you're really hangover - Well, please avoid drinking too much on a night of work maybe. Because you're obviously poor health, if your boss asked how you're doing, please try. "I'm not really in my best condition, I apologize. I get a cup of coffee, focus on (whatever project is what you have at the top of your to-do list) I'm going against. " What is important here is, even though you do not feel well obviously that it at work, you are still focused on the job, it is to show your boss that you are trying to do your best.

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