Saturday, July 9, 2016

People with confusion mind is a more intelligent reason

Clutter to accumulate - it will not continue to have all of your life in order. You can not find your car keys or your cell phone. Locate proceed to the direction of your own wrong and get into a car for you to go somewhere. If you have a workspace, it is a mess. A place that is a "Dearuko and." There is nothing so far You are from what we call psychologists now a "chronic dismantling", "suffer." But, what kind of chronically disorganized people also these psychologists now, have a great creativity and higher intelligence please tell it to us that. So, take the heart, it gives some of the facts for the next time someone chew them, have criticized you for your dismantling. And here it is to demonstrate a high level of chronic disorder of intellectual function, is 12 of those facts. 1. within their often talent, and high scores in verbal IQ test. IQ test has two parts, verbal and performance. In the oral, thing idea, "global" thinking, about the region of the brain that promote curiosity, and "If" interrogation. Some of the IQ test performance, in order to get the factual information, see the correlation of cause / effect, in order to understand the process of step-by-step, in order to apply it to the situation, properly, operation it to evaluate the ability to. Disorderly people, they have their own solutions - so they can come up with are not bound by the norms of the current knowledge and the traditional way of doing things, they tend to be fully tested in a range of verbal Yes you. 2. They have a high creativity level. Some of the test of the norm for the creation, is well known that in most cases of Torrance in the series that actually exists. In chronic disorder in these tests given to the individual, such a story, unusual visualization, humor, broke the normal bounds, thinking "outside the box," in the image they had created in their minds you found that there are high scores in areas such as wealth. According to the authors of Torrance series, high-scoring individuals to invention to test battery, people who have an idea for a new product or service is, almost There is the case of. 3. They have a wide range of interests. People of the state of confusion is clearly, there is a need to be involved at the same time a variety of activities. They are probably, but have a regular job, the side they are always doing other things on - is they may have a band. They are may take the lesson of the art. They are, it is possible to design a web site and landscaping. They will be able to write a novel. Disorderly person loves new experiences and challenges. They are, they are different and original recipes, unique use for normal object or software application to solve the problem, - the people to achieve the great pleasure when you create something unique. 4. They are brain hemisphere of the right - to process the information through the "creative" side. People uncoordinated, use the factual information to consider in the solution of linear -1 1 problem, it does not apply to the new situation. This is a linear thinking, it is a function of the left brain. Right brain processor, to take all at once, all that comes out creative ideas of the idea of ​​the "bounce" that bounce off of each other in his mind, it can be in an ongoing basis. Pesky office and home, from another activity in no particular order, that you can not put away the things the jump in the pace set in advance, you have all of the symptoms of the rebound of the idea in the brain. 5. They have developed a frequently strong attachment to the unrelated things and people. Psychologists, anarchy of people for reasons that can not be yet fully determined, especially in the large number of objects and a wide range of people of personality, has developed these powerful attachment. Anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, in order to describe these people, we used the term "people to a bricolage". Diversity, because it stimulates the activity of their minds, they are, please refer to the value of diversity. So, disorderly person may have an eclectic group of friends, they are learning, so see a very large number of possibilities to run, you can still stock up on some of the objects. It is now in his many PDF format of this, and the work of Levi-Strauss to be able to easily download If you want to learn more about the concept, available online. 6. is they want to be around a person of high energy. People with a high energy level, in order to learn in order to meet the needs of the new experience, and allows people unregulated in order to satisfy the curiosity. Since the people of high energy always have something going on, because in order to learn something new in order to have a new experience, and to take what they have learned, there is a chance to use it, disorderly such individual "die" you wanted to be a part of them to generate new ideas. If you have not yet guessed it, disorderly person, himself, is usually, very high energy of. And the reason for the clutter and confusion? He does not have the time for such unimportant things. 7. They tend to lose track of time. In this life, there is a plan, there is a meeting, there is a social opportunity that has been set in advance. Such as a disorderly person, the meeting, to the wedding, when in the dinner with 30 minutes late family, because he is being immersed in another activity, attractive and / or wildly funny I (s) and is just another "zone." Time, straight lines and, not very important for this person. In the work environment, this individual is, he can be very we believe is a legitimate reason for delayed deadline of what project for. Because he might be a better way, he has become very fascinated to project aspects've spent the time to study it. Although this can be frustrating for colleagues and boss of the team, it is a "better way", in fact, can be significant savings in time and money. 8. They are difficult, they have focused on when it is not attracted or interested. People of the confusion state, because they are not in many cases, clearly so, they are, because it does not lack intelligence, have difficulty in school. Even if they do not have an interest in and geometric evidence the Civil War, they do not spend the time required to master the content and skills. We need disorderly children to "sell" has been filling that something our school is to learn is worth. Teacher If you can not find them engaged in creative ways, they of the "tune out" the grade, you can display it. However, they give fascinate project them, and watch them. Because write a research paper in place, they may want to write a play, we need to let them. Instead, we are not medicate, tend to houses them. 9. They are, according to the test of personality, intuitive outgoing, and I feel. A few years ago, it was formulated the personality test of the Myers-Briggs, and personality type, was associated with certain types of people. People of confusion state to receive a test of the Myers-Briggs almost always, love the high score "foresight" These people are a challenge in the field related to the type of compiled, as the identification personality, iodine is other people find the inspiration to solve the impossible reference problems. They are ingenious, in many cases, will refuse to perform tasks in a standard way. Visionary is, you want to try a new way. 10. There is they need to learn all the time. Chris Field, of Stanford University researchers and scientists, has developed a detailed profile of disordered personality. According to him, these individuals, subject always -they have been "addicted to" insight is as interested in them, you have the need for a convincing research and learning. They do reach the moment of "I see", when there is a new insight and solutions, they will deliver the extreme euphoria. This "addiction" is to challenge schools and the workplace of authority, there is a possibility that cause them to look like controversy. In fact, some of the new insights have led them to refer to the traditional way of doing things as "rules" and dams. 11. They think the world. It is before the term that is used to related to the increasingly shrinking "world" that we live, global thinking, was actually in terms of educational psychology. The best way to describe this type of thinking to some of disorderly people is through an example. It is Christmas in the night before, the number of toys, it is necessary to assemble in front of the morning. Linear thinkers, issue commands, and, to continue the assembly process of step-by-step. Global thinkers, look at the pictures of the finished product, it is assembled on the basis of the picture. Both of the, probably (as long as the missing parts do not exist as) to succeed in the assembly. This is a completely different approach. Go for a trip to the same thing has been planned. Linear thinkers, to reserve a list for along the way. If the global thinker is just throw a few of the items in the suitcase, and eat along the way, come up with a place to sleep, we go out. There are far more of adventure in it. 12. They are "nerd" or to other people might look to "know - all - it". And the people of the state of confusion is the truth, in most cases, you will need to discover the truth of its own brand. They are in the present, you may spend a lot of time on the Internet. In the school, they can be seen as a geek. The psychologist, they can be identified as having Asperger's. They do not have a lot of patience for people who want to "follow the book" all. They research, and think there is no way to "follow the book", usually, the ideas and utterances in quite commit to the opinion - the way you can get a reputation for what they have a "know-it-all . "

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