Saturday, July 9, 2016

High Why the seven reasons why the possibility lazy people is a success

Lazy, all of the people is what you have to a greater or lesser extent. Some people, however, much more, we have it to an extent far greater. We as bad, has been used to account for it. However, if it is not a what? What is lazy, or will help you become more successful in practice? I have a lot of you, you bet I would like to this approach. In fact, a lot of lazy people, to achieve a huge success. History shows the many vivid examples to us. For example, it was lazy about Charles Darwin can not believe. His teachers and parents was responsible a lot to make that learned grammar and mathematics at his school. In many cases, he became the right of reduction asleep in the middle of a lesson. He liked fishing and shooting crows to doing sports, when he was a college student, he spent most of the time in the pub. Even if he became a science, he is in a hurry things, did not spend a year writing his work. Another example is the Sir Winston Churchill. At school he showed the worst results in the class, and even more did not go to college. He, his favorite activities and it was absolutely indifferent to sports, was sitting in the rocking chair. After that, he became a great statesman. Carl Marks, and his poor mother-month party, who lived at the expense of, did not at all want to work. Then he lived in Engel money. All in all, in his research, we overthrew the established view of the whole world. Many of the other great people we were told Einstein, Newton, Picasso, to be very lazy, including Mendeleev. Nevertheless, they will achieve the success of the incredible, we were able to come to be well known all over the world. It has proven you can lazy people actually go to far. And, laziness can be a great advantage. Here possibility of lazy people to succeed There are high for several reasons. They have of the present invention It's lazy of people when it comes to organizing their work is very creative. They are, to waste time on unnecessary, there is no strictly get it to the point. Lazy employees, always to automate all of the repetitive processing in their work, would find a way to optimize. There is no more annoying thing for lazy people than the monotonous work of regular way. Please be lazy people try always to make life easier. People were too lazy to scrape the soil - they've invented the excavator. They were too lazy to do the cleaning - they've invented the vacuum cleaner. Who knows, could probably lazy people that invented all of the great invention of the century. They are entrepreneurs In many cases, lazy people are very enterprising. They are their hearts, you have as many of the ideas and projects that are not filled with excessive thinking and responsibility. They think in a different category. This is important that the work process is not boring for them, there is a result of the end of the guarantee. When you rest, they know The more energy that the people most important as the spend of, is to know when to relax, fewer are you will have it in order to meet the big plans. Faster, the age of all of the time people who injure themselves. The memory is much faster fall. In addition, the part of the scientist, you are 40 So, especially after, you can get up early if you are a night owl, I think that he is concentrated exercise there is a devastating impact on your health , lazy people, leave lazy to relax. They are more relaxed When the lazy are not in a hurry all, it does not jump from one thing to all of the other time. They take a long time, to get the task after work. Some people panic, and their attention is get distracted, they do not commit to the full task. Lazy, on the other hand, calmly and have a small number of trouble do their work. They know their goals In which people of lazy has been imposed by other people that are not to be priority, I know how to focus on their goals. Because they are too lazy simply to pay attention to other people's priorities, it will focus on themselves. In addition, they are then, as you will have more time to relax, spend much less time to achieve these goals. They can not be wise This is, it is lazy in actually work it takes a big heart. You for a while, in order to find a way to not do anything, you need to complete all the tasks in a subsequent time. Employees, smart or stupid, you tend to be broken for any of laziness and bones. If you have been lazy and smart, it is probably the most efficient worker in your company. They may use a technique that allows lazy In our era, people are much faster, the program to be able to do the job, there are a lot of applications and gadgets. Lazy, I knew about all of these, and use them to get the task done in double speed. For example, if they are working on a document, they are to would not write it, then a lawyer to check, editor, send it to the manager and other people - a lot of that time would take. They are to be able to carry out the approval or at the same time any of the correction, they simply create a Google document, and provides access to the document to the people. In other words, to simplify the entire work process, save a lot of time, they will be able to be lazy for a little long. Professor Arnold Ludwig of the United States, was once analysis of the 1,000 or more that have achieved the greatest success in their lives. Because he has some natural talent away, you've come to the conclusion that there is a need to allow in vain ... that time. Sure, it might sound paradoxical for our century and lifestyle. However, Einstein is boring is used to say that is an excellent tool for the development of creativity and your imagination.

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