Wednesday, June 29, 2016

6th and that block fat and prevent obesity

But not only comfortable and enjoyable experience that drinking tea is the most consumed beverage in the world next to water like. Global per capita consumption of tea is about 12 0 ㎖ / day. Its immense popularity is rather low and stimulate people can be credited to the fact that the sensory properties filled with irresistible. Oh, and by the way ... I mentioned the potential for their tremendous health benefits and treatment / prevention as our epidemic of obesity now affects one-third of the world's population? no? Then you need to, then we dive into it?

White Tea
It is usually flavored white tea is probably one of the most recognized in Europe when it comes to cars. This car right after the harvest in order to avoid light and Europeans are oxidized to provide so much love the delicate flavor steamed and dried.

How do you promote weight loss?
Stimulation of liver lipid metabolism: refers to the process of storing energy in order to lipid metabolism fatty acid is broken down using the energy and / or later. The term "between" means that this process is taking place in the liver.
Inhibition of lipase: to force the fat consumed to absorption, instead of the lipase inhibitor is in fact body fat reduction in the amount of absorption and excretion.
The adjusted mean duration of naturally greatly when our body's natural process of heat production that may contribute to weight loss: Heat generated stimuli.
Appetite control
Working with coffee
Chemicals that help to block fat WT:
Major components of white tea include proteins, minerals, polyphenols, polysaccharides, and organic trace elements and amino acids, lignin and methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline and theobromine).

Reference :

T. R. Dias, and the like. White Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.)): Antioxidant and Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics Effects.International of beneficial health journal (IJFS) ISSN 2326-3350.2 (2), 19-26. First published Online 2 MAY 26: 2013
green tea
Green tea is probably the most famous cars in the market. It may be safe to claim that you are one of the healthiest beverages on the planet could ever drink. This joint is filled with much needed antioxidants can lower the risk of all operations are improving brain function, promote fat loss and cancer and other debilitating diseases.

How do you promote weight loss?
Fat oxidation and increase the heat: Because tea-caffeine mixture (Epi Gallo Catechin going rate + caffeine)
Phosphodiesterase inhibition: enzyme inhibition leads to increased fat oxidation and heat production
Reduced weight back after significant weight loss green tea caffeine mixture has a wonderful side effect of reducing the weight again. Green tea may be achieved through the above mentioned heat generation effect.
Chemicals that help to block fat WT:
Scientific research has shown that green tea contains large amounts of green tea catechins. Catechol -O- methylated and is known as an enzyme within the cell, ubiquitous throughout all mammalian tissues, including skeletal muscle and fat tissue. Promoting activity is the enzymatic degradation of fats and other lipids by hydrolysis to release the fatty acid COMT.

Reference :

Margriet S, and so on. Maintaining weight loss in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplements and weight. Obesity Research 13, No. 7, is the first published online: September 6, 2012
Kevin C, and so on. Overweight and obesity, nutrition consumption of green tea catechins improve exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in Adults.The Journal. Nutrition and disease. December 11, 2008: published the first online.
black tea
Tea health benefits is its recently revealed due to the current revival experience new and different kind of car. Black tea is oxidized flavor than the less strong, and occupy more than 90% of the cars sold in the Western world. Another important aspect of a difference worth mentioning is that the flavor can be maintained for a few, but tends to lose the taste of green tea within half a year, year tea.

How do you promote weight loss?
Research conducted by the effect of weight loss tea is found that sikindaneun actually increase the speed at which they can truly have a body cortisol levels back to normal. We are generating fat cells (this is work-related personal search) in order to release fatty acids into the blood stream of adrenaline every time any kind of stress.

If so, pick up the hormone cortisol, released fatty acids to save them. Do you think that stored fat reserves, where is the end? Well, you guessed right: in your stomach! If stored fat instead of being burned as energy Also, your body can seriously hinder your weight loss goals for the good will find out a lot more calories.

Chemistry helps block fat in BT:
Since polysaccharides (carbohydrates slows glucose absorption and efforts to promote weight loss by controlling appetite), according to a recent study conducted by the health benefits of tea in its present form, the type of tea is a great alternative to the role of diabetes victims person. It is also estimated that habitual consumption of tea, you may not be able to develop diabetes in the first place.

Fun fact: tea consumption is the highest type 2 diabetes, Ireland and the United Kingdom has the lowest prevalence.

When it comes to our weight loss aspirations Given a rich source of antioxidants, it also contributes to our overall health, healthy, heart and vascular health are all important immune system.

Reference :

Andrew sat step, and so on. Order effects of physiological stress and post-stress recovery response mind: a randomized, double-blind trial.Psychopharmacology.January 2007, Volume 190 Issue 1, PP 81-89. Published Online: September 30, 2006

Every tee
Barberine is a naturally occurring chemical known to prevent the increase in weight when a high-fat diet and extracted from the sheet shrubs. Barberine Chapter infections, particularly as a drug for the treatment of bacterial diarrhea has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine.

How do you promote weight loss?
To be effective in its suppression of type 2 diabetes, fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, HbA1c, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, according to a recent study found clinically to relieve the berberine.

The discovery helps block fat from BB Chemical:
Chinese herbal medicine Coptis major pharmacological component of the flowers has been used to treat diarrhea were originally discovered now that equally effective in relief, like diabetes. In addition, two animals went to large anti-berberine my habits to suppress body weight administered 100 mg / kg reduced the development of effective investigations same underlying statistics berberine my fat obesity and insulin resistance, while the human food intake experiments.

Reference :

Obesity and insulin resistance in high fat Xu chapter of the gut microorganisms while preventing BerberineMediated, such as changing diet al.Structural - Federal Rats.PLoS ONE 7 (8): e42529. Doi: 10.1371 / Online journal.pone.0042529.Published: 2012 years August 3.
Rooibos tea
Scientific evidence on the rooibos tea has now appeared almost daily. The reason for this promotion is related to the consumption of health care, in liquid form, particularly in people. Given the high level of antioxidants and other powerful substance helps our blood to fight off the free radicals in, it's not surprising that when it comes to keeping our bodies healthy and strong has such a reputation.

How do you promote weight loss?
Uličná conducted research, and so on. Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Rats found on rooibos provide significant protection. Having completed numerous animal experiments, they reported how rooibos can actually be a vascular complications and eye membranes system peroxidation possible treatments began using human patients.

Blocks a chemical found in local aid RT:
Polyphenols and flavonoids: This material was found in Roobios is generally considered to be very effective in combating obesity
Soluble solids from fermented rooibos: I also had a great influence on the metabolism of adipocytes (fat cells), while studies have shown that inhibiting the formation of (fatty tissue called) this fat-soluble solid organization.
Aspalathin: It can be proven to stimulate both the absorption and secretion of insulin from pancreatic beta cells in the muscle tissue of glucose found in the rooibos tea has a beneficial effect on the blood sugar in type 2 diabetic patients homoestasis.

Rooibos tea to professor Michael C Herbst.Fact sheet. Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA). Online publication date: 2015 can be.
Fu Tea -erh
-erh Fu tea is another runner-up prize for the most healthy car of all time. It is consumed by people claiming benefits in the use of long and healthy southwest China. Protected from oxidation, cancer, atherosclerosis, obesity, hypercholesterolemia includes, and many others.

How do you promote weight loss?
Scientists said the animal to perform clinical trials are -erh Fu Tea potentially even larger animals such triglyceride levels after a high fat around the belly of the commitment (this is a dangerous type of fat in our blood) reaches the conclusion reduced diet.

Chemistry helps block fat in PT:
Chemical -erh Fu tea is rich. Several research groups have reported that one car after the entry into force Because, while greatly increasing the level of a particular car full of gallic acid content was lower during the fermentation process. What this indicates is that one of the gallic prevent obesity, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, etc. can be explained in terms of the potential health benefits of many diseases, the main active component of tea Fu -erh considered.

Reference :

YiHong siding, etc. Fu -erh car down regulate sterol regulatory element binding proteins and Stearyol-CoA to reduce fat storage bulpohwaeun Caenorhaditis online elegans.Published: February 2015 6 days

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