Friday, July 15, 2016

15 deliciosas y saludables batidos de proteínas Recetas para probar

protein shakes have become very popular lately. How many times you flip through a magazine or visit a website to see pictures of celebrities like Hugh Jackman, Miranda Kerr or Khloe Kardashian photographed with a protein shake in your hands? Or, you're going to Instagram to upload a photo and see that people continue to publish images of protein shakes. Every day, different protein shakes. The reason for this is simple: They protein shakes are delicious and healthy at the same time at the same time. Besides the fact that they are rich in protein, protein shakes are rich in amino acids that are essential for the proper functioning of our body. Proteins are of great importance for the production of the muscles and also improve our immune system. Without protein, our body can not connect together all the structures that make up our cells, tissues and organs. When we finish with our workouts, protein shakes are ideal for healing of micro tears that are caused by the sharp contraction during exercises. Why milkshakes, why food rich in proteins? Because solid food takes longer to digest. On the other hand, milkshakes need only 30 minutes to reach our muscles after ingestion. A recent study in a Finnish university showed that supplementation of whey protein consumed after and possibly before the session muscle training improves response hypertrophy resistance training in healthy adults. Even some studies have shown that protein powder improves recovery after workouts and decreases the damage and muscle pain. Protein shakes are also beneficial for your overall health, and can protect you from many diseases. Great advantage of these shakes is its versatility, it can incorporate a wide range of ingredients and make smoothie different every day. Since there is no such thing as too many protein shakes recipes also recommend delicious recipes below. protein shake 1. Oatmeal Who does not like a good bowl of oatmeal in the morning? It is rich in fiber, improves digestion and helps in weight loss. The problem is that not always have enough to stay and eat that bowl of oatmeal time. An ideal solution for this problem is the shake.2 protein oatmeal. Melon, cucumber and mint protein shake This precious protein shake provides energy to go through their training and also cures the muscles after training. Needless to say, this is delicious protein shake as well.3. Mocha protein shake We all need coffee when we woke in the morning, but when ahead of a busy day, no time to do so or to go to a cafe. Mocha milkshake protein is a great way to have your coffee and breakfast at the same time. This protein shake will increase your energy level immediately.4. Banana and peanut butter protein shake It is possible that as a peanut butter and banana sandwich in the morning. Well, you can also transform it into a protein shake that will enrich your body with protein, potassium and sugars that are easily absorbed and turned into fat! It is dream.5 of each person. blueberry protein shake Blueberries belong to a group of super-foods. They are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the body against various diseases. This blueberry smoothie deliver antioxidant protein, vitamins and other nutrients to your body, providing energy, and also delay premature aging and memory loss. In addition, this protein shake high nutritional value is ready in less than 2 minutes.6. protein shake Strawberry Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber and heart healthy. This shake lowers LDL cholesterol and increases levels of HDL, or good cholesterol, which protects your body from heart disease and even stroke.7. protein shake spinach Most people do not like spinach in smoothies, but I definitely like this. Thanks to mango, banana, pineapple and even taste the spinach, but you will get all their health benefits. This protein shake spinach is an excellent source of vitamins K and A, manganese, folic acid, copper, vitamin B2, potassium, calcium and other valuable nutrients that protect your health.8. lime pie protein shake This protein shake key lime is low in sugar and contains 42 grams of muscle-building protein, which makes it ideal for people who are constantly in the gym to work on your muscles. This protein shake shows that delicious does not always mean unhealthy; this is a bomb of health and energy you need to workouts.9 daily. tropical shake protein This tropical smoothie protein contains berries, oranges and bananas, which are all rich in vitamins, antioxidants, potassium and other nutrients that are beneficial to your health. For example, oranges are rich in vitamin C and can even restore the healthy glow of the skin. Bananas are great for people with high blood pressure, while Greek yogurt improves digestion and helps loss.10 weight. protein shake almond butter Almond milk in this protein shake will provide the protein your body needs, while chia seeds enrich your body with antioxidants that protect you from various diseases and infections. Moreover, chia seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for the proper functioning of your body.11. banana protein shake coffee This blend of coffee, natural sugar and protein is ideal for your morning workouts. They increase energy levels and get more things in your training session than usual. This coffee banana smoothie protein is also rich in fiber and potassium.12. Grape and blueberry protein shake This protein shake is ideal for all people who can not imagine starting your day without eggs. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and this shake scrambled eggs with grape and blueberry is ready in less than 5 minutes. In addition, grapes are excellent for preventing cancer and protect your body against heart disease and high blood pressure. Moreover, this smoothie is very good for digestion, which is essential part of weight loss regimen and healthy lifestyle.13. Banana protein shake division We all like banana splits, but it's not the healthiest food you can eat. Luckily, this banana protein shake division is a high protein, healthy and delicious alternative for a fraction of "regular" banana. You can also make this recipe with almond milk, banana (of course), peanut butter and protein powder and ready, the shake is ready.14. protein shake raspberry Raspberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, quercetin and gallic acid are effective in cancer and heart disease prevention. Moreover, raspberries improve blood circulation and provide many nutrients to your body. This raspberry smoothie protein is easy to do and requires only 5 ingredients you already have in your kitchen.15. cinnamon roll shake This cinnamon roll protein shake is ideal for people who spend time in the gym. Cinnamon is used to treat muscle spasms, infections, and even erectile dysfunction. This protein shake is easy to do and provides several nutrients, along with a boost of energy that will continue throughout the day.

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