Wednesday, June 29, 2016

15 little things you can do every day to become a very successful

Have you ever wondered what the secret of success? For most people, it is not one specific one. Rather it is the result of repeated many everyday habits and. The following are 15 things that you can do a little every day to make sure the time is spent on intentional and priorities. You integrate everyday this end, and watch the glide success!

1. Define the priority.
What are three of your main priority ranking in your life? Do you have what the three kinds of the most time? Does priorities consistent with where you are spending your time? So awesome. Otherwise, you will spend more time on your priorities, it must be intentionally added as hard for you to clean up the trash to prevent a significant one. Really think about how to spend your life - will likely only feel successful if you spend time on the most important one.

2. Set the schedule the next day.
Time is our most precious resource, is not irreplaceable. If you want to really succeed, you must plan how you are spending your time.

One way to do this is to take a daily evening to create a schedule for the next day. Making a calendar to help three main reasons: it can maximize all the time you wake up; You have your priorities, you can set aside time each day to focus on; It will help you if you are found to waste a lot of time. I recently read an average American spends five hours a day watching TV. Setting a schedule helps to avoid the pitfalls of the TV at the same time sucker.

3. Eat a frog.
"Eat a live frog first thing every morning, Worse still, there is one day of rest to you." - Mark Twain

If you are like the majority of people, there is a postponement because every job is scared or overwhelmed. Depending on the job is a frog, Mark Twain, you're just postponing the morning to eat is hard to focus on getting the other one is that your problem in frogs eat it; You are too busy thinking about the frog you need to eat later. Also, it may feel more difficult, because if you put the power to use the time to imagine all the possible things that can go wrong job.

Eating early in the day, frog offers you a sense of accomplishment and success is feeling good, start the day. Rounding out the tired weary work as soon as it can give you the momentum you need to get you to perform other tasks during the day. In addition, they will all look easier than you started frogs.

4. The person in the mirror and be honest.
Now that we have talked about eating frogs, I want to recommend that you be honest with yourself. Because the frog to eat there at the beginning of the day just it does not mean that you can get a good idea how to start than you would normally eat it previously.

Some people are doing the best thing before sunrise, others are very productive late in the evening. If you love to start your day at 5:00 am, wonderful - go eat a frog in the early hours of the morning. Go eat a frog in a day early - if you prefer to sleep, so it's okay.

Successful people are honest with ourselves. What they set a goal of exercising every morning at half past 4 am in the morning if you've never seen someone I know not a good idea. They set their goals based on their most productive time.

5. Give yourself a deadline.
The main advantage of the productivity hack: Parkinson's Law. Parkinson's Law states that to expand to fill the time available for its completion. If you have less time to complete the task, you can likely increase your efforts. When someone is called to say they were stopped by the 20 minutes you can make your home and you think about how you can clean your focus to how intense you are when you are assigned because the next morning. When the time is limited, your efforts will increase significantly.

Giving yourself a deadline to do the job can help you achieve your goals. You set your daily schedule, it may be helpful to use the laws of Parkinson's to your advantage. One way to do this is to use a time block. Specify ourselves 55 minutes to achieve the goal and take a five minute break as planned. You know time is limited, it will help to maximize productivity during the 55 minutes work session. In addition, the mini-mental break from your efforts, you can recharge your every hour.

6. Minimize distractions.
Remove as many distractions as possible during operation. If the Internet is confusing carefully you will set up your computer so locked at a specific site during the set time of the day. Shut off your phone. If you do list is complete, you will have your message.

7. Pause.
The plans take care of themselves every time. Ideally you will yourself all set aside a certain time to provide gifts, quiet time, or to exercise.

8. Plan back.
One way to move forward toward your big goals is planning to set back the goal.

For example, it says want to lose 26 pounds. After you set the initial long-term goal of 26 lbs lost by a year from now, start breaking the goal down into chunks plan and perform back. If you want to lose 26 lbs in a year 0.5 lbs (1750 calories) you need to lose every week. This is 250 calories a day. Many calories you are 50, you can reduce your intake by eating whenever that is, have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. In other words, our goal completely done! We have now taken a big, overwhelming desire you will break into tiny, achieving daily goals.

Forward backward plan will work in all kinds of big goals. I want to meet with your financial goals this year, I know exactly how many dollars and cents have to earn every hit my mark.

9. records.
Research shows increasing by writing down your goals, the chances of achieving it greatly! Somewhere easily publish visible, less frequently, see your goal, you have a much higher chance of success.

(10) Find the responsible partner.
Responsible partners is crucial; They encourage and support us when we need to work towards achieving our goals. Maybe you always wanted to start a regular exercise, write a book or a home based business. Says a person to check in with you weekly to review progress and to help keep you accountable. It works great with the responsible partners with some of the same goals.

11. compare yourself to other people to decide only as fuel.
Do you really want to feel good about your life? If you're in a bad mood to quit comparing myself to others. That is the envy of others, you can quickly reduce your happiness and sense fail.

That said, the comparison can help you if you are doing it in jealous admiration instead. If your friend continues to promote it in the workplace, study their habits in the office. Does he always arrived early and offered to stay late and take additional project? It is to emulate his work ethic can help you get the impression you want. Is your colleagues picture of perfect health? Comparing her to her your habits while you munch on snacks at your desk, you can achieve a foul on daily walks throughout lunch. If you aspire to improve your stamina join her for a walk.

"When we compare a healthy way (how they have to learn from them, can I get it that you want to?), It can fuel our determination to be more successful.

12. You can get a mentor.
If you have a passion for a certain area of ​​your life, you must choose a successful mentor to help you grow in that area. You can find different mentors for different areas of your life - I know I have. Consider hiring a coach; The right coach can provide you the tools you need to reach higher levels of success and inspired to make the world of difference in life.

13 delegates.
If you want a good few little things "to them yourself you have to learn to delegate work to make a good impact." - John C. Maxwell

It can be difficult, it is important to give up some control and delegate certain tasks. After all, there are only 24 hours a day, to be wildly successful if you really focus on your priorities, you need to take care of the less important ones trust in others.

A few years ago, I wrote my day job, I realized I had completed every 56 jobs. Of course I always felt overwhelmed! I began to assess the importance of each task, not essential for me to perform, but decided to delegate the work necessary to complete still. Now has more time to focus on within the priority. The key to becoming successful - when we want to delegate a task to someone else, we can focus on what important to us.

14. Choose wisely the company.
Aside from having one of the particular responsibility partner, select the overall lack of attention.

Businessman According to Jim Rohn, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time."

Do you hang out with positive encouragement and support them? Or, do you send a toxic people and most of the time? You select the inspiration to do our best to spend time with people.

15. Reading.
Do you want a very successful? Reading. Please read frequently. Reading opens the vitality and our hearts to us. Inspire you turn on the lights and see the materials. Explore self-development. You should absorb as much information as possible. There is always more to learn.

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